Good Media Matters


In the pre-modern world, human beings were under near-constant physical threat: from starvation, from disease, from physical injury. The world is still a very chaotic, noisy, and threatening place, but we’ve displaced physical threats with psychological ones, with an almost constant need to make meaning from our increasingly abstract surroundings, to interpret and express data, language, and symbols.

Inelegant design and noisy media compound this problem. They draw attention to themselves like broken, clanking bells and make us feel as if there’s something wrong with ourselves, that we’re not smart enough or committed enough or dutiful enough. They put the burden of meaning-making on the audience. Conversely, elegant expressions of design and concrete media carry that burden for the audience. As a result, they’re reassuring, and even when they disrupt, they do so in the interest of clarification or improvement: of knowledge, of understanding. Ultimately, they soothe and offer refuge and protection, and we rally around great films, essays, and poems now just as early man huddled around his cave fire.

Like great films, essays, and poems (and novels, concerti, sermons, paintings, sculptures, lectures, graphics, &c.), effective websites and engaging videos — and their constituent, arterial arts — carry meaning between people and across time and geography. We create these things because they’re unlimited where we are limited, and by carrying expressions of meaning into the world, they have the ability to introduce balance, harmony, and direction into what would otherwise be intolerable madness and entropy.

This unified theory of “good media” informs everything Studio Hyperset does. Our mission is making that sensibility communal and contagious by ushering instances of order, balance, harmony, and elegance into the world and using the good media we create to build bridges that connect creatives, clients, and audiences.

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Quimby Melton


Quimby is the founder and president of Studio Hyperset. He started Studio Hyperset in 2006 after studying Transatlantic literature and culture, new media, and humanities computing at the Universities of Georgia (AB, 00) and Nevada, Las Vegas (MA, 03; PhD, 08). He has a background in literary studies, media production, front-end development, and project management. His current primary duties involve helping clients frame solutions that meet their needs; scoping and managing Studio Hyperset's growth strategy and business development pipeline; finding and developing talent; and, most importantly, supporting the SH team.